An Update

Wow, I am terrible at updating my blog. I plan to be better better at updating my blog now that I am done with my degree.


A lot of things have happened in the past couple of months, so I thought I might as well update you on what has been happening:

1) I finally have been awarded my Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) in Management and International Business Marketing with an Accounting Option but I will not receive the actual piece of paper till June 2013. This is second time that I have had the chance to graduate from a university. My first was a Business Administration Diploma which I received in May 2010.
It is extremely exciting but surreal to finally have completed degree but now it is time to get a full-time job and get “real life” going. It has taken me 5 and a half years to complete my degree. At times it seemed like I would never be done but now looking back I believe that I am done nd how far/what I have accomplished in the last 6 years of school. It seemed like it was just where I was starting my post-secondary journey while trying to figure out what I wanted to study and what to get involved in at school. The past 6 years of school have been some of my most enjoyable in my life. I learned a lot about who I am, what I am about and what I can achieve with hard work, dedication and persistance.

I have learned that nothing is ever given to you for free and that you have to fight each and everyday to prove that deserve what you are given. Nobody or no one will give it to you without some sort of effort and that this effort is continous not a one time thing. You need to continue to be better then you were the day before. it can easily be taken away from you, you fail to keep focused and working hard.

2) I have brought myself a fancy domain name. The domain is at: This will be my personal website and will serve as an online portfolio and resume for me. I have been wanting to do this for awhile so it is nice to see it finally be done. I would like to thank my friend Vincent St. Pierre for designing my new website.

3) I have had a chance to look back on my university experience and have complied a list of lessons that I have learned from going through university. I encourage you check it out if you ever get discouraged during your university journey. It is my hope that this encourage you to keep going when things get you down. This can be accessed by going to:

4) I am currently on the look out for a full-time job. I am looking for a job in government administration, marketing or oil and gas. I looking for a job in various roles so if you know any entry-level or new graduate positions please let me know know by emailing: jermyn [at]

Photo Credit: By scottchan, from

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