For the Sake of the World

For the Sake of the World ft. Brian Johnson – Bethel Live

The first time I heard this song, one section of song kept coming up my mind as my day went on and has kept coming back to and still hasn’t left me. The words of the section are so simple but so profound. The way the artist constructed and arranged the words of this song, is so genius yet has huge impact especially to me.

The more and more that I continued to listen to the song, those words kept speaking me.

“For the sake of the world
Burn like a fire in me
Light a flame in my soul
For every eye to see
For the sake of the world
Burn like a fire in me”

The more and more I pondered these words, the more I realized that the need for us to go and make a difference in this word that is hurting. Life is so full of suffering, pain, hard-ship and wars but there are also individuals who are trying to solve the world’s problem. The problem is that there is not enough of these people or individual willing to sacrifice their own selves for to do this. We always tend to get caught in a world of material and instant and temporary gratification, that we sometimes fail to see what is going on around us. We always want whats best for me and me and me, that we don’t realize that a lot of people even in our own country let a lone overseas don’t have the same opportunities we take for granted.

As I was listening on the news yesterday, hearing that people in our country for example like Canada, can’t even get access to food. Check out article from the Star (–when-access-to-food-is-a-major-obstacle) and this got me extremely upset. This is so crazy, we are one of the richest countries in the world but there are people still starving in Canada, how is this even humanly possible even when we offer various social programs and assistance for people to get access to the most basic human essences like healthy food, water, and etc. I can understand if we are in a third world country but in CANADA, come on! Why is this happening? It doesn’t make sense why this happening.

I think the problem is that people are so self-absorbed by nature, they sometimes don’t see what is going on outside communities, towns, cities, provinces or even countries. Sometime, we think especially as business people that all that it is about is the bottom line or profit – that we fail to realize that it isn’t always the case.

This gives us an important message of what we need to do and what we can do to help with the problems of the world. The lyrics of the song say: ““For the sake of the world. Burn like a fire in me; Light a flame in my soul; For every eye to see; For the sake of the world; Burn like a fire in me.” Doesn’t that mean that we should give back to our communities and be inspiration for others to follow? Isn’t that what Jesus and God want us to do? Just because you may not believe in Jesus and God, you don’t necessary have to believe in religion to give. Giving back, helping others out and being an inspiration to others around you, should be universal values.

The only way the way, that the world will get better is that we “Burn like a fire in me; Light a flame in my soul” so that every eye can see it but no just for us but “For the sake of the world [and mankind].”

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