Jermyn K.Y. Voon is one of the top 1% most viewed LinkedIn profiles

Today I got a note from LinkedIn saying I’m one of the top 1% most viewed profiles for 2012.


Very cool!

An Update

Wow, I am terrible at updating my blog. I plan to be better better at updating my blog now that I am done with my degree.


A lot of things have happened in the past couple of months, so I thought I might as well update you on what has been happening:

1) I finally have been awarded my Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) in Management and International Business Marketing with an Accounting Option but I will not receive the actual piece of paper till June 2013. This is second time that I have had the chance to graduate from a university. My first was a Business Administration Diploma which I received in May 2010.
It is extremely exciting but surreal to finally have completed degree but now it is time to get a full-time job and get “real life” going. It has taken me 5 and a half years to complete my degree. At times it seemed like I would never be done but now looking back I believe that I am done nd how far/what I have accomplished in the last 6 years of school. It seemed like it was just where I was starting my post-secondary journey while trying to figure out what I wanted to study and what to get involved in at school. The past 6 years of school have been some of my most enjoyable in my life. I learned a lot about who I am, what I am about and what I can achieve with hard work, dedication and persistance.

I have learned that nothing is ever given to you for free and that you have to fight each and everyday to prove that deserve what you are given. Nobody or no one will give it to you without some sort of effort and that this effort is continous not a one time thing. You need to continue to be better then you were the day before. it can easily be taken away from you, you fail to keep focused and working hard.

2) I have brought myself a fancy domain name. The domain is at: This will be my personal website and will serve as an online portfolio and resume for me. I have been wanting to do this for awhile so it is nice to see it finally be done. I would like to thank my friend Vincent St. Pierre for designing my new website.

3) I have had a chance to look back on my university experience and have complied a list of lessons that I have learned from going through university. I encourage you check it out if you ever get discouraged during your university journey. It is my hope that this encourage you to keep going when things get you down. This can be accessed by going to:

4) I am currently on the look out for a full-time job. I am looking for a job in government administration, marketing or oil and gas. I looking for a job in various roles so if you know any entry-level or new graduate positions please let me know know by emailing: jermyn [at]

Photo Credit: By scottchan, from

Things Life/University has taught me

  1.  It doesn’t always matter how it’s how you started but it is how you finish that is important
  2. A persons attitude makes a huge different in this life
  3. It doesn’t matter what you are dealt in life it’s how you deal with those painful and stressful times, obstacles and hardships and setbacks is the most important thing
  4. All those things are lessons and blessings in disguise as they not only show badly you want something,  they are usually there to show or teach you something important
  5. Persistence, desire, heart and motivation are some of the hardest things to maintain but so essential for you to achieve anything and have success in your life
  6. The most important thing is no matter how hard, difficult, hard or what happens to you is to never lose your hope because this is the fire that keeps you going when you believe you can’t do it anymore and gives you the motivation and say I’m blessed and I can the challenges and will be and do the best I can with what I got.
  7.  Your ability to smile when it is stormy or pouring in your life, will give you the strength you need to face any challenge, obstacles or hardship you may face.

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.”
~Thich Nahat Hanh

  1. It is how you you handle yourself when you are stressed or understand, helps things in perspective and keeps you focused on your goals while giving you the ability to take things one step at time resulting in more dedication in what you doing and trying to achieve
  2. Just because someone is smiling doesn’t necessary they are happy, not stressed and for all you their life could be falling apart but that shows they have the strength and the ability look on the brighter side of life
  3. Your inner strength and endurance is extremely important in life and if you fail to gain this, life will continue to be challenging and difficult and those hardships will scare you because you can’t take those thing in as a desire or fire to overcome them. They will stop you in pursuit of your goals and not move forward
  4. It is important not to be the perfect person but is strive and aim to be a better, more caring, sweeter, loving, hardworking, persistence, determined, motivating, kinder, open-minded, loving, hopeful, helpful and the ability to enjoy the difficulties of this life each and everyday
  5. When you work hard, have the mental strength to be positive in what happens in life, your life begin to start to change and things will work out in end, maybe not right away but eventually


Your presence is a present to the world.
You are unique and one of a kind.
Your life can be what you want it to be.

Take the days just one at a time.

Count your blessings, not your troubles.
You will make it through whatever comes along.
Within you are so many answers.
Understand, have courage, be strong.

Do not put limits on yourself.
So many dreams are waiting to be realized.
Decisions are too important to leave to chance.
Reach for your peak, your goal and you prize.

Nothing wastes more energy than worrying.
The longer one carries a problem the heavier it gets.
Do not take things too seriously.
Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.

Remember that a little love goes a long way.
Remember that a lot … goes forever.
Remember that friendship is a wise investment.
Life’s treasure are people together.

Realize that it is never too late.
Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way.
Have heart and hope and happiness.
Take the time to wish upon a star.

~ Unknown

For the Sake of the World

For the Sake of the World ft. Brian Johnson – Bethel Live

The first time I heard this song, one section of song kept coming up my mind as my day went on and has kept coming back to and still hasn’t left me. The words of the section are so simple but so profound. The way the artist constructed and arranged the words of this song, is so genius yet has huge impact especially to me.

The more and more that I continued to listen to the song, those words kept speaking me.

“For the sake of the world
Burn like a fire in me
Light a flame in my soul
For every eye to see
For the sake of the world
Burn like a fire in me”

The more and more I pondered these words, the more I realized that the need for us to go and make a difference in this word that is hurting. Life is so full of suffering, pain, hard-ship and wars but there are also individuals who are trying to solve the world’s problem. The problem is that there is not enough of these people or individual willing to sacrifice their own selves for to do this. We always tend to get caught in a world of material and instant and temporary gratification, that we sometimes fail to see what is going on around us. We always want whats best for me and me and me, that we don’t realize that a lot of people even in our own country let a lone overseas don’t have the same opportunities we take for granted.

As I was listening on the news yesterday, hearing that people in our country for example like Canada, can’t even get access to food. Check out article from the Star (–when-access-to-food-is-a-major-obstacle) and this got me extremely upset. This is so crazy, we are one of the richest countries in the world but there are people still starving in Canada, how is this even humanly possible even when we offer various social programs and assistance for people to get access to the most basic human essences like healthy food, water, and etc. I can understand if we are in a third world country but in CANADA, come on! Why is this happening? It doesn’t make sense why this happening.

I think the problem is that people are so self-absorbed by nature, they sometimes don’t see what is going on outside communities, towns, cities, provinces or even countries. Sometime, we think especially as business people that all that it is about is the bottom line or profit – that we fail to realize that it isn’t always the case.

This gives us an important message of what we need to do and what we can do to help with the problems of the world. The lyrics of the song say: ““For the sake of the world. Burn like a fire in me; Light a flame in my soul; For every eye to see; For the sake of the world; Burn like a fire in me.” Doesn’t that mean that we should give back to our communities and be inspiration for others to follow? Isn’t that what Jesus and God want us to do? Just because you may not believe in Jesus and God, you don’t necessary have to believe in religion to give. Giving back, helping others out and being an inspiration to others around you, should be universal values.

The only way the way, that the world will get better is that we “Burn like a fire in me; Light a flame in my soul” so that every eye can see it but no just for us but “For the sake of the world [and mankind].”


Life may be hard,
and life may be cruel,
But people beware,

’cause your no fool.
You make hard decisions,
and have many fights,
You make few wrongs,
but you make more rights.
Life is not easy,
and it’s sure not fair,
But hopefully it’s bearable,
knowing I’m there.
You have lack in your faith,
and fear in your heart,
Of what’s been decided,
and you’ve no part.
But your strong people,
and you make your own path,
Your worries will end,
and you’ll suffer no wrath.
Your path is your own,
and yours alone,
You’ve been given a second chance,
smile and bring cheer,
And dance a happy dance.

Keep on believing




Some People Don’t Deserve to be in my Future

So true



…and thank you for this because it made me realize who I deserve and what type of people deserve to be in my life because there is a reason why you didn’t make my future and you didn’t deserve to be there.

Interesting as it shows the grow use and that social plays in our life!

Intentional Progressive: LKG

Yesterday I had the awesome opportunity to manage Western Carolina University’s social media during the SoCon Men’s Basketball Championship Game. As a part of the WCU social media team, I updated our official WCU Twitter and WCU Facebook Page throughout the game.

It was a seriously intense game that went into DOUBLE overtime! Our fans were absolutely going crazy… and so was I! WCU ended up trending worldwide on Twitter, as did one of our top players, Harouna Mutombo [even though his name was spelled wrong on Twitter].


Five important tips for managing social media during a live event:

1. Keep everyone updated – This was the most important part of our championship game. While the game was on ESPN2, the game was an hour away from my university and not everyone could attend. There were also classes, lectures and other events going on during the game. Our fans…

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